For those wishing to get a hold of me, you can
email me
Ah! With the northward migration from my life as a medial student at Stanford
was successfully completed, I have managed to install myself as a
Pediatrics Resident at
Children's Hospital here in Seattle! Quite a change! In the midst of the
crazy-busy schedules I have
managed to think a bit about how I might integrate the things that are
important to me in the next phase of my life, namely, at this point:
my family, my friends, academics,
social justice, and good ol' fun
(fast version)!
In addition to enabling fantastic interactions with many friends, Seattle
has also been the location of a foray for me into the world of social justice. As a
member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, I worked as a Youth Counselor for
children of homeless families at Seattle Emergency Housing Service. I
learned many things about children and from children at the shelter, and
hope to continue working with underserved kids in my medical career.