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From Ned in Nov 2017:

Date: November 27, 2017 at 5:14:55 PM PST
To: Madelaine Anagnostopoulos
Subject: Re: Ancestors

Hi, Madie!

Sorry to miss you and Dino when we were back east for Katherine and David's 50th. Great to see Skip and the Throops.

The handsome and dapper gentleman standing on the right is our grandfather. The man sitting is dad's godfather Clarence Mackey. I never met the two women. The other gentleman I do not recognize, but looks shifty.

The last I heard of Churchtown House was about 2-3 years ago. It has been totally remodeled prior to 2005 and last sold for 4 million pounds (or euros). Google earth ( Churchtown House, Weston Park, Churchtown Upper, Dublin 14, Ireland) has good aerial photos and a street view of the front that has not changed as a result of renovation. If you want to get more information on Churchtown House, I suggest the real estate records or local building permits would be a start. It was owned by the Dutch Ambassador in 1980 when we visited. Dad said that at one time (early 1900's) it was rented (owned) by the president of Dublin University. I do not have any documentation on the property. At the time the property was for sale, there was a real estate company out of Dublin that was handling it.

When do you plan on leaving?

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

Ned and judy

On November 27, 2017 at 5:31 PM Madelaine Anagnostopoulos wrote:

Ned, Do you recognize these people? Also do you have any historical papers or records for Churchtown House? Planning a visit for early summer. Best to you all, Madie

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