Four generations of Wilds

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Title: Four generations of Wilds
Media type: Photo
Format: jpeg
Four generations of Wilds

From Nancy Parmenter in Feb 2021 with this note:

Snapshot of four generations of Wilds. Charles (Grandpa) is standing, Gottfried (great grandfather) , Barbara Wild Veirs and David Wild are seated, and baby Barbara and I are on laps. I think my dad is holding Barbara and Gottfried is holding me.

A year or so ago, maybe when Liv was biking along the Rhine, I wished I could find some Wilds in the Schweighausen area. Grandpa had visited there in 1953 and met a lot of relatives. James got out his phone,looked on White Pages, and found 17 Wild families listed on Schweighausen Road, which runs between Hagenau and the village. Whoa! Well, Gottfried came from a family of six, so perhaps three generations later, 17 is not a big number. Anybody interested in a trip? Alsace is supposed to be lovely.

Last change
February 22, 202115:53:02
Author of last change: sveirs
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