The Marine Menagerie
A virtual field guide to marine organisms commonly encountered
on SEA cruises.
This prototype front page of the menagerie is based on a taxonomic
categorization of marine organisms. We identify individuals from
only the Eukaria domain of life; the other two domains (Bacteria and
Archaea) are generally too small for us to monitor while at sea,
though microbes and viruses are certainly with us constantly. We
also concern ourselves here with only two kingdoms: plants and
animals. Fungi and protists may be treated in future versions...
Plant Kingdom
- Cyanophyta -- blue-green algae
- Chlorophyta -- green algae
- Phaeophyta -- brown algae
- Rhodophyta -- red algae
- Tracheophyta -- vascular plants
Animal Kingdom
- Porifera -- sponges
- Cnidaria -- polyps and medusae
- Hydrozoa -- hydroids
- Siphonophora -- colonial jellyfish
- Scyphozoa -- (true jellyfish) moon jelly, lion's mane
- Anthozoa -- corals and sea anemones
- Hexacorallia
- Actiniaria -- anemones
- Cerianthida -- tube anemones
- Octocorallina -- soft corals
- Ctenophora -- comb jellies
- Rhynchocoela -- ribbon worms
- Bryozoa -- bryozoans
- Brachiopoda -- lamp shells
- Mollusca
- Polyplacophora -- chitons
- Gastropoda -- (one shell) snails, limpets, nudibranchs
- Bivalvia -- clams, mussels, oysters
- Cephalopoda -- squid, octopus
- Annelida -- segmented worms
- Polychaeta -- bristle worms
- Sedentaria -- hard worms, teribellid worms
- Errantia -- clam worms, paddle worms
- Arthropoda (jointed leg)
- Pantopoda -- sea spiders
- Merostomata -- horseshoe crabs
- Crustacea -- shrimps, lobsters, crabs, barnacles, isopods
- Chilopoda -- centipedes
- Diplopoda -- millipedes
- Insects -- insects
- Echinodermata (spiny skinned)
- Stelleroidea -- stars
- Asteroidea -- sea stars
- Ophiuroidea -- brittle stars, basket stars
- Echinodea -- sea urchins, sand dollars
- Holothuroidea -- sea cucumbers
- Crinoidea -- crinoids
- Chordata
- Ascidiacea -- tunicates
- Chondrichthyes -- rays, skates, sharks
- Osteichthyes -- all bony fish