In our Time Programme 84
The Sea
Melvyn Bragg : Hello.. In 1870,
when Jules Verne described the deep ocean in 2000 leagues sunder the
sea he wrote "The sea is an immense desert, where man is never
alone, for he feels life quivering around him on every side".
This fiction was actually rather closer to the truth than the science
of the time, when the Azoic theory held sway and it was
believed that nothing could exist below 600m. Now we estimate, there
are more species in the deep ocean than in the rest of the planet put
together. Somewhere between 2 million and a 100 million species
of organism are living on the ocean floor. Science has dispelled
the old idea that huge underground tunnels join our oceans together,
and the even older notion that giant Krakens lurk in the deep, but our
seas still retain much of their mystery, and there's been more men on
the surface of the moon, than at the bottom of the ocean, so how should
be understand the sea?"The lonely sea and the sky".
With me to discuss the science
that's attempted to plummet, is the historian of oceanography, Margaret
Deakin, until recently visiting research fellow at Southampton Oceanography
Centre, and author of "Scientists and the Sea". Also with
us is Tony Rice, Biological Oceanographer, and Simon Scheffer, Reader
in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge
and a fellow of Darwin College.
Simon Scheffer the Royal Society
was set up to investigate questions of science under Charles II patronage
in 1620. How important a part of that society's business was it
to understand the sea?
Simon Scheffer : I think the sea plays an enormously significant role in the work of the early Royal Society right through from its foundation in the middle of the 17th century to the end of the 17th century, and one obvious reason for that is just how important maritime affairs were for the welfare of the kingdom. So that if you look at what fellows of the Royal Society were doing, their interests ranged right across military, commercial and what we might now more properly call scientific interests. The movements of fish, of tides, of how to improve navigation, how to design ships better. One fellow of the Royal Society even proposed building catamarans, because they sailed better even in the English Channel and he named one of these catamarans "HMS Experiment" in honour of the link between the navy and science.
What's interesting too, is
the way in which the work of the early fellows of the Royal Society
played such an important role in what I suppose we could call their
advertising campaign. Fellows could point to improvements in navigation
and mapping as palpable examples of how the cultivation of natural
knowledge could actual aid commerce and war.
Melvyn Bragg : So there's
a very early example, or quite an early example, and a very effective
one at the start or or so it seemed to be, of the establishment getting
in, and for practical reasons which are based on commerce and military
reasons, actually finding that science was a handmaiden and an enabler,
that conjunction, because James I, sorry James II was deeply interested
in matters of the sea...
Simon Scheffer : ....wasn't
immediately obvious in the 17th century whether or not all these schemes
would actually pay off . There was already an enormous amount of practical
experience and law in how better to sail ships, how better to navigate,
how the tides move. There's also a sense then of natural philosophers
and astronomers catching up with what practical folk already knew, and
I think also that's an important theme in the history of marine science.
Sailor's and fisherman know more and better than self styled experts
and one of the keys to the history of marine science is how better to
ally different kinds of expertise together.
Melvyn Bragg : But it's still
interesting -just to pursue this point - that for commercial and military
reasons, science was driven, and in a sense one can say using the 1066,
it was a "good end" really wasn't it?
Simon Scheffer : Yes,
I..that's surely right. I mean it's been argued by some historians
of Oceanography that Oceanography almost of all sciences has been most
closely allied to the interests and patronage of the state, and I think
that's a very interesting point.
Melvyn Bragg : Margaret
Deakin, what kind of assumptions about the sea was the Royal Society
trying to challenge or supplement, or what gap did it discover?
Margaret Deakin : Well there was very little in scientific literature, when they began their experiments and observations. Simon said, they learnt from seafarers, and some of their early research programmes are based on suggestions made by navigators. For example, the very interesting question of was there a current in the strait of Gibraltar?
It has been known for a very
long time that there is a perpetual current from the Atlantic into the
Mediterranean and also a lot of rivers flow into the Mediterranean through
the Black Sea and the Nile, and there was no visible outflow, so where
did all this water go?I mean this was a very interesting philosophical
question which had been described and attacked for a long time but not
in a particularly scientific way.
A lot of speculations about
- a lot of these debates go back to the middle ages and quite
possibly beyond, and another thing that they learnt was that sailors
- and this was the practical people - had discovered, or thought they
had discovered - and had evidence for the existence of an undercurrent
which was actually carrying water out of the Mediterranean, but the
scientists didn't like this idea, they thought "no we can't explain
an undercurrent - it's against nature" - there must be other explanations,
you know, perhaps it's evaporation by the sun - it's in a hot part of
the world, so that perhaps the excess water disappears that way, or
perhaps it disappears through one of these tunnels in the floor that
you were referring to earlier.
Melvyn Bragg : Simon
suggested and so did you and as I've read for this programme that there
was that there was - as we all would all say - from Ulysses onwards,
or even before Ulysses, local law intensely known by people whose lives
as well as livelihoods depended on knowing what the currents were around
the coasts where they fished or where they set off for war, and that
sort of thing, that must have been intense local knowledge, one must
imagine very accurate indeed. Now was there a sense in which the
Royal Society acknowledged that and collected that?
Margaret Deakin : Well how
they went about it, was not so much in this particular area to
collect existing law, they also went back to ideas that they could find
in the classical texts and people like Aristotle, there are...were assumptions
about for example, what causes the sea to be salt, and so they were
looking at these ideas, they were trying to collect information but
how they did this was to actually prepare questionnaires, and they did
this for travellers generally going to different countries, so that
they could get information about the countries, about their politics,
their natural resources and customs, and they also did it for the sea
and they issued these to travellers who were going to different places
by ship, people who were leading naval expeditions, they were particularly
interested as Simon said, in tides, so they would encourage individual
members or the wider scientific community, people who weren't necessarily
FRS's, but who were interested in this new movement.
Melvyn Bragg : I've got
to bring in Tony Rice or people won't think he's here at all! (laughter)
We'll come back to that if I may. Why do you think the sea seems
to be very important- as Simon Scheffer said at the top of the programme,
for the enlightenment mindset if we can use that word? What...can we
just rummage around that a little bit more?
Tony Rice : Yeah, well, not being an expert on the 17th century, I have to be pretty careful here, but on the other hand, I think one of the things that Simon said, this business of the sort of juxtaposition of commercial interests with scientific interests, is an interesting one.
My impression was that one
of the things which prompted some of the early fellows of the Royal
Society to be particularly interested in the sea was that the
study of such phenomena as tides would actually help them to understand
cosmology, understand the system as a whole, not just our system, so
that was another reason that was very valid. Coming back to your
point about the use of amateurs if you like, that's not past, that's
still going on today, and certainly was very important in the middle
years of last century, in understanding - certainly shallow water, I'm
not talking about the deep sea now - but understanding for example,
aspects of fisheries which are extremely important and always have been.
So the knowledge people who earn of people who earn their living in
that medium but not as scientists, is still - and I suspect always will
be - extremely important.
Melvyn Bragg : Can we just
talk Simon, about the importance of tides...
Simon Scheffer : Yes.
Melvyn Bragg : ...which were
obviously ...why do you think they were so important? And one of the
things that was so amusing is that when Newton's great book came out
Principia Mathematica, probably the thing they were most excited about,
is that it might give them the solution to tides - it didn't give them
the solution they wanted - but it might do that, but why was...can you
say why they thought it was so important in the Royal Society?
Simon Scheffer : Yes,
I think it's absolutely true, tides matter to the cosmos. It wasn't
obvious to everybody in the 17th century that that was true. So
that for example, when Galileo in the start of the 17th century, that
some people already had that the moon might be causing the tides, Galileo
thought that was old fashioned astrology and completely rejected the
idea, because it looked like magic.
So the cosmic significance
of the motion of all the seas on the Earth was absolutely obvious already
in the 17th century, and what Newton proposes as a research project
to himself, is can one show how the behaviour of the globe would be
if it was entirely covered in water, Newton understood pretty well that
it was rather unfortunate that not all the Earth was covered with water,
and therefore it was much more difficult to do the calculations, or
at least to match his theory of universal gravitation to the actual
behaviour of the tides, themselves.
Newton, of course never saw
the sea, he was from Lincolnshire, he went to college in Cambridge,
he lived in London, he was never on an ocean going vessel, and he was
probably never on the beach, despite the famous remark about picking
up pebbles. And it's a demonstration in that sense of the power of analytical
mechanics and mathematics, to say useful and important things. But the
most important thing about Newton's theory of the tides is that it shows
so well the problems of trusting other folks data. There are some
phenomena that Newton's tidal theory seeks to explain which aren't actually
phenomena at all, but which were widely reported stories in London taverns,
presumably that Newton incorporated into his theory.
Melvyn Bragg : That would
be - such as?
Simon Scheffer :
Well, for example the extraordinary behaviour of the sea around the
straits Magellan, which was widely exaggerated, that's the straits at
the Southern end of South America, which was widely exaggerated - travellers
tales? So that Newton quite often was forced to derive numbers where
the numbers were being given to him by folk that maybe he shouldn't
have trusted.
Melvyn Bragg : In this development
Margaret Deakin, the idea of longitude has been well discussed in this
country over the last 2-3 years, because of the very successful book
on the subject and Harrison's invention. But that..we can't not refer
to it, so briefly how did that invention of that sea going chronometer
affect oceanography?
Margaret Deakin : Well there
were two methods of measuring longitude, there was the lunar distance
one, which really sort of came pretty well at the same time, and then
chronometers were more successful and easier, and these methods were
first used widely by Captain Cook, who is the name most associated
with the development. There was a whole range of circumstances,
it's wasn't just longitude. Put in crude terms, before the middle
of the 18th century, Cook's voyages, which came in the latter part of
that century, any voyage encountered an enormous range of hazards, and
part of them were to do with navigation that you - literally, once you
were out of sight of land, didn't know where you were, because you couldn't
measure time accurately on a ship, and the astronomical methods were
fine so long as you were sailing along latitudes, going west-east, or
east-west, but north-south, sorry - other way round, north-south it
was okay, you could measure the altitude of stars, some things like
that. East-west it was very difficult. Terrible things happened
in the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, you know sort of ships..whole
fleets were wrecked. In the Pacific, which is a huge ocean with
very little in the way of natural features, tiny islands, which if your
navigation isn't spot on you may sail right past without seeing, because
they're low in the water.
So you get these early 18th
century expeditions both naval and exploratory, suffering terrible hazards
of starvation, illnesses caused by nutritional deficiencies of which
scurvy was only one, though possibly the worst. So going to sea
was a very hazardous enterprise and people were really I think sort
of concentrating on getting to where they wanted to go and staying alive,
and they didn't really have much sort of aptitude or wish to do science,
but the latter part of the century it's become what I think's been referred
to as you know, the whole thing changed, you could see where you where
you were going, you could plan where you were going, they began to solve,
in a pragmatic rather than an understanding way, the problems related
to nutrition so that Cook lost men on his first voyage in the East Indies,
but had virtually no problem with scurvy at all. He didn't understand
as we do today, what the real causes were, but he just took every eventuality
to protect his men, it worked. So you had people now, with the
leisure and the energy to collect scientific information, and of course
on his first voyage he took Sir Joseph Banks who's an enormously important
figure in this respect, it's been called possibly the beginning of the
grand tour of the Pacific, rather as the grand tour of the countries
of Europe that the noble and wealthy youngsters would take during the
18th century.
Melvyn Bragg : But this brings
biology in after geography doesn't it really? We're bringing specimens
back and we're looking at plant life of not only the sea, but other
places in the world, in this case the south seas and the search for
breadfruit, and all that sort of thing and all that sort of thing, so
it brings about....in the 19th century Tony Rice, with this unrivalled
navy we had after the Napoleonic wars, in a sense almost partly to do
with giving them something to do....
Tony Rice : Absolutely.
Melvyn Bragg : ...away they
went on various expeditions, and the polar explorations were very important
and as Margaret indicated we begin to switch from commerce and geography
to biology as well. Can you just tell us what -before we come
to challenge it - what was happening in the 19th century- what the navy
was finding out?
Tony Rice : Well, first of all go back to the last half of the 18th century, as Margaret pointed out - the problems of navigation, by the time you get to Cook, are now more or less solved and as a result by the end of that century the broad outline of the Earth was pretty well known.
Remember that one of Cook's
objectives for example was to search for what was called Terra Incognita,
there was thought to be an enormous land mass at the southern half of
the Earth to balance the enormous land mass that we all lived on in
the north. Of course it wasn't there - there was this other rather
sterile or difficult land mass Antarctica. Anyway by the end of
the century, and by the end of the Napoleonic wars that was pretty well
worked out. what wasn't known was a good deal about the interior
of some of the continents, consequently the first intention was to use
the unemployed navy, would you believe, to investigate Africa.
An attempt was made sailing up the Congo or the river Zaire, to find
out what the situation with the great rivers like the Niger and the
Nile in the interior of Africa were, that was 1815, actually just before
the war ended. It was a total and utter disaster, almost everybody
died. So Sir John Barrow, the secretary to the Admiralty, whose
responsibility basically was to convince the government not to sack
all his officers thought of another rouse, and the rouse was "Let's
go to the poles" and "Let's look..." introducing commerce
again "Let's first look for the old Northwest passage", which
of course had been an objective 200 years before with Hudson and Baffin
and people like that. Never found it. Of course we still
haven't got one, but that was what was the first expedition in 1818
Melvyn Bragg : Simon Scheffer what happened in the 1870s was this great voyage of the Challenger. Now it's been compared to the space probes, it lasted 5 years, 68, 000 nautical miles, goodness knows how many station stops and so on. It was massive and unprecedented and the consequences I believe are still with us. It was a magnificent enterprise.
Can you just give some...give
people the size of that and the scope of that and why it's important?
Simon Scheffer : I think it's
quite difficult for us to think back to just how much this mattered,
this great clearly scientific voyage - that's the first point.
Melvyn Bragg : 1870....2 to
7 yeah?
Simon Scheffer : 1872 to....
Tony Rice : 6.
Simon Scheffer : 6. It's...
one of the things that I think really does need emphasis is that it's
a dedicated voyage, that is to say naval resources are being used not
mainly, but almost solely for putatively scientific ends, and that speaks
to the rapidly emerging power of what can only be called the science
lobby in high Victorian England, men like Thomas Henry Huxley, Darwin's
bulldog, professor in London, brilliant physiologist, himself the veteran
of a naval voyage into the south seas on HMS Rattlesnake back in the
1840s. He and his allies understood extremely well that the navy
was likely to be interested in many of the data that marine science
could produce. It would help with navigation and oceanographic
mapping, but at the same time, they also understood extremely well as
great scientists do, that one has to think up very good reasons for
spending so much money over such a long period. The point about
science being that it's not just the finding, but the publishing that
always matters, and the Challenger voyage and all the samples that it
collected and all the maps that it made occupy more than 4 dozen large
volumes. It took another 30-40 years of work after the voyage
fully to compile analyse and catalogue all the results on marine organisms,
tides and winds, and currents that they found and perhaps the most important
thing is that it helped forge a genuinely international community of
experts interested in marine science. It's really a whole project
that begins to see the internationalisation of a genuine community of
real science.
Tony Rice : And remember that
was ...the idea of giving the data...the specimens to foreigners at
the time, went down like a lead balloon with the British scientific
establishment, they didn't want to, this was British material, collected
by a British naval ship and belonged to us. It was Sir John Murray
who would've ultimately supervised the publication of the results, who
took this stand. But going back also to the origins of the voyage,
the voyage cost altogether about £200, 000 at the time, that's big money,
something like £20 million now, certainly compared with space research
- small - but it's reckoned to be the first example of big science,
it would not have taken place if science had been the only excuse for
it. It was also because the navy - the hydrographic office, was
being asked for more and more about the nature of the bottom of the
sea, particularly in relation to the new technology of submarine telegraph
cable laying, that's what drove it in the end. Cables were being
laid across the Atlantic at great expense, and the last thing they wanted
to do was for them all to break because we didn't know what the bottom
was like.
Melvyn Bragg : Is it too panglossian
to say this was..the Challenger was a very good example of something
which brought prestige to this country, brought it great scientific
knowledge and empowered it in straightforward ways, like we knew better
how to lay cables, we knew more about oceans currents so our ships could.....is
that...do those three things come together, d'you think Tony?
Tony Rice : Absolutely, but
do remember one of the things that Simon said was that Challenger was
also at the beginning of really international science, in fact one of
the scientists on the Challenger was a man called Rudolf Von Willamasoon
(?) a German. He actually died during the voyage would you believe
of Erasiphilus - which is now a sort of disease restricted to pigs I
understand - but anyway - he was brought aboard as one of the scientists
and this was the first time that an international complexion to big
scientific project had taken place. So yes, the Challenger did
bring back a great deal of information and prestige to the UK, but it
also brought that knowledge to the international community, because
remember that....
Melvyn Bragg : Why didn't
we keep it for ourselves, and sort of get ahead..would be the churlish,
churlish...I mean I don't know who would say that sort of thing....
Tony Rice : Perish the
thought! I can't imagine either.
Melvyn Bragg : ...but why didn't
Tony Rice : Well we didn't
because the people involved, some of the big names involved were thinking
bigger than that. There were a lot of small minds who wanted...
Melvyn Bragg : (mumbles)
Tony Rice : Sorry?
Melvyn Bragg : Nevermind!
Tony Rice : (laughs) So we
didn't, and thank the lord we didn't because within 20 years of the
end of the Challenger expedition things were happening on a much broader
international scale with the International Council of the Seas
which became a very important element in the understanding of things
like fisheries and so on.
Melvyn Bragg : In the last
few minutes I want to talk about the very....the bottom of the
ocean, there's some 11, 000 metres below the surface of the Atlantic
ocean, that's supposed to be the deepest, a couple of people have only
been there once. But there is a bottom of the ocean, a bit
more if it's....less of it's 11, 000 metres. Nevertheless the
interesting thing about the bottom of the ocean is that so much is going
on, when it seems from what we had known until we discovered that so
much was going on that nothing should be going on at all! (Tony laughs).
Now can you unravel that in a sensible way, Simon Scheffer please?
Simon Scheffer : I think there's,
as you've said, and as we've said right through the conversation, there
are two different prejudices going on here, I mean one is the thought
is that everyone must have that deep in the ocean it's cold and dark
and therefore lifeless and uninteresting and inert. One might
call that the telegrapher's dream, because if that's true then laying
deep sea cables on the ocean floor should be nice and safe.
But there's also I think very
widely distributed in our culture, and it becomes extremely important
precisely in the period of the Challenger, the idea of the ocean as
warm soup. So that the coming of Darwinism in the middle of the
19th century, with spokesmen for Darwinism like Huxley, and his German
allies, begins to describe the ocean not as cold and inert and lifeless,
but as where life comes from. So that for example for Huxley himself
he had a very powerfully worked out theory that the slime that
could be found right across the ocean floor which he named in honour
of his German colleague Ernst Heckle, not entirely politely, is the
substance from which all life has evolved. So that at the biological
level - one sees this in Jules Verne's stories, one sees this in stories
of the Kraken - the ocean floor is a place of unknowable and overwhelming
organic activity is perhaps at least as important as the idea of the
ocean as inert. And I think what is interesting about current
oceanographic models of the ocean floor is the way in which it tends
to confirm and celebrate this idea of a vital ocean floor - not only
that - but for me with sort of more expertise it has to be said in astronomy
than oceanography - the idea that the very extreme conditions one sees
on the ocean floor in vents for example, where the water is at extraordinary
pressure and one gets volcanic eruptions under sea which produce very
high temperatures and very high pressures, that those environments might
well sustain a host of organic life forms, and that one could use them
to make an interesting analogy with life on other planets. So that one
can think precisely of life in extreme conditions on the ocean floor
as something like a sign of the fantastic range of environments in which
life itself can survive.
Melvyn Bragg : Tony Rice.
Tony Rice : Well I think in a way this brings up...completes the circle in a sense. Simon was just touching on these volcanic eruptions at the bottom of the sea and extreme conditions. How do thermal events - the ones that lots of us have seen pictures on the television of - of these fantastic communities of animals living round water which is gushing out from beneath the surface of the sea floor, at the ridges at 400 degrees centigrade, it doesn't boil at that temperature because of the enormous pressure.
Bringing with it a complex
of chemicals, it supports communities which don't depend upon the energy
from sea light, but depend upon the energy from chemicals, these fantastic
areas are thought possibly to be those where life originated.
Now these are waters gushing out from tunnels in the bottom of the sea,
what did we start talking about, an idea in the 17th century that there
might be tunnels in the bottom of the sea. Boy, we know there
Melvyn Bragg : Thank you all very much and thanks for listening.