Oct '97 - present
University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Graduate student in the School of Oceanography.
Sep '95 - Oct '97
University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Masters student in the School of Oceanography studying hydrothermal plume dynamics.
University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Coursework as a non-matriculating extension student in differential equations, as well as biology and geology relevant to current hydrothermal vent system research.
Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Bachelor of Science, Earth Systems. First graduate of interdisciplinary science major that balances specialized training with the integrative thinking needed to understand and evaluate environmental problems.
Aug - Dec '94
Genetics Photo Researcher, Videodiscovery, Inc., Seattle, WA. Acquired multimedia resources for an interactive highschool genetics curriculum based on CDROM/laserdisc.
Jun - Sep `94
Satellite Oceanography Intern, (mentored by Dr. Chet Koblinsky), Graduate Student Summer Program in Earth System Sciences, NASA, Greenbelt, MD. Assessed the use of TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite radar altimetry in monitoring global submarine volcanic accitivity. Gained familiarity with the Interactive Data Language, Internet resources, and Fortran.
May '94
Seismology Feild Assistant, (Dr. Marcia McNutt, MIT), Lake Mead, NV. Installed and monitored REF/TEK field seismometers and differential Global Positioning Systems during 2-week Basin And Range Geophysical Experiment. Assisted with air guns and hydrophone management aboard the barge.
Jul - Aug '93
Wilderness Emergency Medicine Trainee, SOLO, Conway, NH. Certified to provide pre-hospital care, especially with minimal equipment in remote areas.
Jan - Apr '93
Environmental Scientist, Syed Muhammad, Hooi dan Binnie, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Investigated geology, water quality, and land use in the field. Researched and composed geological, meteorological, and land use chapters of environmental impact assessments. Interviewed representatives of relevant municipal and state government agencies.
Dec '92 - Jan '93
Radiosonde Meteorologist, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Western Equatorial Pacific. Launched weather balloons and operated radiosonde station during intensive observation period of the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment. Facilitated cross-cultural
understanding and cooperation between NASA Doppler radar scientists and Chinese
oceanographers, meteorologists, and crew.
Mar - Jun '91
Overseas Student and Forest Growth Model Intern (with Dr. Carlos Prado), Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile. Studied development issues at Stanford overseas campus. Surveyed a spectrum of
modelling techniques.
Jun - Sep '89
Paleo-Oceanography Research Assistant (to Dr. Alan Mix), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Pioneered high-resolution scanning reflectance spectroscope for on-board analysis of deep-sea sediment core
mineralogy. Contributed to Ocean Drilling Program (Leg 138, 1992) initial
report paper, Color Reflectance Spectroscopy: A Tool for Rapid
Characterization of Deep-Sea Sediments.