Peer-reviewed publications

Abbott, M.R., K.H. Brink, C.R. Booth, D. Blasco, L.A. Codispoti, P.P. Niiler, and S.R. Ramp (1990). Observations of phytoplankton and nutrients from a Lagrangian drifter off northern California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95: 9393-9409.

Adams, P. B., J. L. Butler, C. H. Baxter, T. E. Laidig, K. A. Halin, and W.W. Wakefield (1995). Population estimates of Pacific coast groundfish from video transects and swept-area trawls. Fishery Bulletin, 93: 446-455.

Ahmad, A., J.P. Barry, and D.C. Nelson (1999). Phylogenetic and physiological affinity of wide, vacuolate, nitrate-accumulating Beggiatoa sp. from Monterey Canyon with Thioploca spp. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 65: 270-277.

Aiello, I.W., R.E. Garrison, J.C. Moore, M. Kastner, and D.S. Stakes (2001). Anatomy and origin of carbonate structures in a Miocene cold-seep field. Geology, 29: 1,111-1,114.

Altabet, M., C. Pilskaln, R. Thunnell, R. Pride, D. Sigman, F.P. Chavez, and R. Francois (1999). The nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry of sinking particles from the margin of the eastern North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research, 46: 655-679.

Anbar, A.D., Y. L. Yung, and F. P. Chavez (1996). Methyl bromide: Ocean sources, ocean sinks, and climate sensitivity. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 10: 175-190.

Anderson, R.F., Z. Chase, M.Q. Fleisher, and J. Sachs (2002). The Southern Ocean's biological pump during the last glacial maximum. Deep-Sea Research II, 49: 1,909–1,938.

Archer, D.E. and K.S. Johnson (2000). A model of the iron cycle in the ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14: 269-279.

Austin, Jr., J.A., C.S. Fulthorpe, G. S. Mountain, D. L. Orange, and M. E. Field (1996). Continental-margin seismic stratigraphy: Assessing the preservation potential of heterogeneous geological processes operating on continental shelves and slopes. Oceanography, 9: 173-178.

Auzende, J.-M. and H.G. Greene, editors (1999). Marine benthic habitats. Oceanologica Acta, Special Issue, 22: 663-668.

Baco, A.R., C.R. Smith, G.K. Roderick, A.S. Peek, and R.C. Vrijenhoek (1999). Molecular identification of vesicomyid clams associated with whale-falls on the California Slope. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 182:137-147.

Baggeroer, A. B., B. Sperry, K. Lashkari, C.-S. Chiu, J. H. Miller, P.N. Mikhalevsky, and K. von der Heydt (1994). Vertical array receptions of the Heard Island transmissions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96: 2395-2413.

Barber, R. T. and F. P. Chavez (1991). Regulation of primary productivity rate in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 36: 1803-1815.

Barber, R. T., M. P. Sanderson, S.T. Lindley, F. Chai, J. Newton, C.C. Trees, D. G. Foley, and 
F. P. Chavez
(1996). Primary productivity and its regulation in the equatorial Pacific during and following the 1991-92 El Niño. Deep-Sea Research II, 43: 933-970.

Bargu, S., C. Powell, S. Coale, G. Doucette, and M.W. Silver (2002). Domoic acid detection in krill: a potential vector in marine food webs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 237: 209–216.

Barry, J.P. and C. H. Baxter (1993). Survey design considerations for deep-sea benthic communities using ROVs. Marine Technology Society Journal, 26: 20-26.

Barry, J.P., C. H. Baxter, R.D. Sagarin, and S.E. Gilman (1995). Climate-related, long-term faunal changes in a California rocky intertidal community. Science, 267: 672-675.

Barry, J.P., K.R. Buck, S.K. Goffredi, and J. Hashimoto (2000). Ultrastructure studies of two chemosynthetic invertebrate-bacterial symbioses (Lamellibrachia sp. and Acharax sp.) from the Hatsushima cold seeps in Sagami Bay, Japan. JAMSTEC Journal of Deep-Sea Research, 16: 91-99.

Barry, J.P. and P.K. Dayton (1991). Physical heterogeneity and the community organization of marine systems. In: Ecological Heterogeneity, edited by J. Kolasa and S.T. A. Pickett. Springer-Verlag, New York, New York, pp. 268-320.

Barry, J.P., H. G. Greene, D. L. Orange, C. H. Baxter, B. H. Robison, R. E. Kochevar, J.W. Nybakken, D. L. Reed, and C. M. McHugh (1996). Biologic and geologic characteristics of cold seeps in Monterey Bay, California. Deep-Sea Research I, 43: 1739-1762.

Barry, J.P. and R.E. Kochevar (1998). A tale of two clams: Differing chemosynthetic lifestyles among vesicomyids in Monterey Bay cold seeps. Cahier de Biologie Marine, 39: 329-331.

Barry, J.P. and R. E. Kochevar (1999). Calyptogena diagonalis, a new Vesicomyid Bivalve from subduction zone seeps in the eastern North Pacific. The Veliger, 42: 117-123.

Barry, J.P., R.E. Kochevar, and C. H. Baxter (1997). The influence of pore-water chemistry and physiology in the distribution of vesicomyid clams at cold seeps in Monterey Bay: Implications for patterns of chemosynthetic community organization. Limnology and Oceanography, 42: 318-328.

Barry, J.P., R. E. Kochevar, C. H. Baxter, and C. Harrold (1997). Calyptogena packardana, a new species of vesicomyid bivalve from cold seeps in Monterey Bay, California. The Veliger, 40: 341-349.

Barry, J.P., R. E. Kochevar, J. Hashimoto, Y. Fujiwara, K. Fujikura, and H. G. Greene (1997). Studies of the growth and physiology of chemosynthetic fauna at Cold Seeps in Sagami Bay, Japan. JAMSTEC Journal of Deep-Sea Research, 13: 417–423.

Barry, J.P., M.M. Yoklavich, G. M. Cailliet, D.A. Ambrose, and B.S. Antrim (1996). Trophic ecology of the dominant fishes in Elkhorn Slough, California. Estuaries, 19: 115-138.

Barry, J.P., K.R. Buck, R.K. Kochevar, D.C. Nelson, Y. Fujiwara, S.K. Goffredi, and J. Hashimoto (2002). Methane-based symbiosis in a mussel, Bathymodiolus platifrons, from cold seeps in Sagami Bay, Japan. Invertebrate Biology, 121: 47–54.

Bates, T.S., R. P. Kiene, G. V. Wolfe, P.A. Matrai, F. P. Chavez, K. R. Buck, B. W. Blomquist, and R. W. Cuhel (1994). The cycling of sulfur in surface seawater of the Northeast Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99: 7835-7843.

Bates, S.S., C.A. Scholin, M. Ferguson, and C.Leger (1999). Application of ribosomal RNA-targeted probes to detect Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries and P. pungens in Atlantic Canadian waters. Canadian Technical Reports on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2261: 63-67.

Beeson, M.H., D.A. Clague, and J.P. Lockwood (1996). Origin and depositional environment of clastic deposits in the Hilo drill hole, Hawaii. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101: 11,617-11,629.

Begnaud, M.L., K. C. McNally, D. S. Stakes and V. A. Gallardo (2000). A crustal velocity model for locating earthquakes in Monterey Bay, California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90: 1391-1408.

Begnaud, M.L. and D.S. Stakes (2000). Constraining continental margin seismicity by extending on-shore seismograph stations to critical off-shore sites. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90: 414-424.

Beier, J. A., S. Wakeham, C. H. Pilskaln, and S. Honjo (1991). Enrichment in saturated compounds of Black Sea interfacial sediment. Nature, 351: 642-644.

Béjà, O., L. Aravind, E.V. Koonin, M.T. Suzuki, A. Hadd, L.P. Nguyen, S.B. Jovanovich, C.M. Gates, R.A. Feldman, J.L. Spudich, E.N. Spudich, and E.F. DeLong (2000). Bacterial rhodopsin: Evidence for a new type of phototrophy in the sea. Science, 289: 1902-1906.

Béjà, O., E.N. Spudich, J.L. Spudich, M. Leclerc, and E.F. DeLong (2001). Proteorhodopsin phototrophy in the ocean. Nature, 411: 786-789.

Béjà, O., M.T. Suzuki, J.F. Heidelberg, W.C. Nelson, C.M. Preston, T. Hamada, J.A. Eisen, C. Fraser, and E.F. DeLong (2002). Unexpected diversity among marine aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs. Nature, 415: 630–633.  

Béjà, O., M.T. Suzuki, E.V. Koonin, L. Aravind, A. Hadd, L.P. Nguyen, R. Villacorta, M. Amjadi, C. Garrigues, S.B. Jovanovich, R. Feldman, and E.F. DeLong (2000). Construction and analysis of bacterial artificial chromosome libraries from a natural microbial assemblage. Environmental Microbiology, 2: 516-529.

Bellingham, J.G., J. Steitlien, J. Overland, S. Jajan, P. Stein, J. Stannard, W. Kirkwood, and D. Yoerger (2000). An arctic basic observational capability using AUVs. Oceanography, 13: 64-70.

Benson, S.R., D.A. Croll, B. Marinovic, F.P. Chavez, and J.T. Harvey (2002). Temporal variability in the cetacean assemblage of a coastal upwelling center spanning an El Niño. Progress in Oceanography, 54: 279–291.

Berelson, W.M., K.S. Johnson, K.H. Coale, and H.C. Li (2002). Organic matter diagenesis in the sediments of the San Pedro shelf along a transect affected by sewage effluent. Continental Shelf Research, 22: 1,101–1,115.

Berelson, W. M., J. McManus, K.H. Coale, K. S. Johnson, T. Kilgore, D. Burdidge, and C. H. Pilskaln (1996). Biogenic matter diagenesis on the sea floor: A comparison between two continental margin transects. Journal of Marine Research, 54: 731-762.

Bernhard, J.M., K.R. Buck, and J.P. Barry (2001). Monterey Bay cold-seep biota: Assemblages, abundance, and ultrastructure of living foraminifera. Deep-Sea Research I, 48: 2,233-2,249.

Bernhard, J.M., K.R. Buck, M.A. Farmer and S.S. Bowser (2000). The Santa Barbara Basin is a symbiosis oasis. Nature, 403: 77-80.

Beynon, J.D., I.J. McRae, S.L. Huston, D.C. Nelson, I.H. Segel, and A.J. Fisher (2001). Crystal structure of ATP sulfurylase from the bacterial symbiont of the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila. Biochemistry, 40: 14,509-14,517.

Borowski, W.S., N. Cagatay, Y.G. Ternois, C.K. Paull, L.D. Keigwin, D. Rio, G.D. Acton, G.G. Bianchi, W.P. Chaisson, B.M. Clement, E. Cortijo, G.B. Dunbar, R.D. Flood, S.-O. Franz, L. Giosan, J. Gruetzner, S. Hagen, B. Haskell, M.J. Horowitz, E.P. Laine, S.P. Lund, M. Okada, M.-S. Poli, I. Raffi, M.K. Reuer, T. Williams, D.M. Winter, and M.E. Yokokawa (2001). Carbon isotopic composition of dissolved CO2, CO2 gas, and methane, Blake-Bahama Ridge and Northeast Bermuda Rise, ODP Leg 172. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results,

Borowski, W.S., T.M. Hoehler, M.J. Alperin, N.M. Rodriguez, and C.K. Paull (2000). Significance of anaerobic methane oxidation in methane-rich sediments overlying the Blake Ridge Gas Hydrates. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, edited by C.K. Paull, Matsumoto, R., Wallace, P., and Dillon, W.P. 164: 87-99.

Borowski, W.S. and C.K. Paull (2000). Nitrogen isotopic composition of pore water ammonium, Blake Ridge, Site 997, ODP Leg 164, Data Report. In: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, edited by C.K. Paull, Matsumoto, R.,Wallace, P., and Dillon, W.P. 164: 171-172.

Borowski, W.S., C.K. Paull, and W. Ussler III (1999). Global and local variations of interstitial sulfate gradients in deep-water, continental margin sediments: Sensitivity to underlying gas hydrates. Marine Geology, 159: 131-154.

Borowski, W.S., C.K. Paull, and W. Ussler, III (2002). The meeting of two microbial worlds: Geochemistry of the sulfate-methane interface. Ocean Drilling Program Greatest Hits, Volume 2.

Brady, R., B. Wernicke, M. McNutt, J. Mutter, and G. Correa, 2000. Results of the Basin and Range Geoscientific Experiment (BARGE): A marine-style seismic reflection survey across the eastern boundary of the central Basin and Range Province. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, vol. 1, Paper number 2000GC000078. Published September 22, 2000.

Brewer, P.G. (2000). Chemical oceanography. In: Introduction to Earth Systems: Processes and Issues, edited by W. G. Ernst. Cambridge University Press, pp. 182-193.

Brewer, P.G. (2000). Contemplating action: Storing carbon dioxide in the ocean. Oceanography, 13: 84-92.

Brewer, P.G. (2000). Gas hydrates and global climate change. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gas Hydrates, New York Academy of Sciences, 195-199.

Brewer, P.G. (2000). Major international programs in ocean sciences: Ocean chemistry. In: 50 Years of Ocean Discovery, 1950-2000, edited by The National Science Foundation. National Academy Press, pp. 152-161.

Brewer, P. G. (1997). Ocean chemistry of the fossil fuel CO2 signal: The haline signal of "business as usual." Geophysical Research Letters, 24: 1367-1369.

Brewer, P. G. (Chair), Panel on boundary layer dynamics, Naval Studies Board (1997). Boundary Layer Dynamics: NRL strategic series. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 40 pages.

Synthesis Panel, Effects Panel, Mitigation Panel (P. G. Brewer), Adaptation Panel, and E.A.P. P. Committee on Science (1992). In: Policy implications of greenhouse warming—mitigation, adaptation, and the science base. National Academy Press, Washington, D. C., 918 pages.

Brewer, P. G., D. M. Glover, C. Goyet, and D. K. Shafer (1995). pH of the North Atlantic Ocean: Improvements to the global model for sound absorption in sea water. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100: 8761-8776.

Brewer, P.G., G.E. Friederich, E.T. Peltzer, and F.M. Orr, Jr. (1999). Direct experiments on the ocean disposal of fossil fuel CO2. Science, 284: 943-945.

Brewer, P. G., C. Goyet, and G. E. Friederich (1997). Direct observation of the oceanic CO2 increased revisited. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 94: 8308-8313.

Brewer, P.G. and T. Moore, Eds. (2001). Ocean sciences at the new millennium, University Corporation of Atmospheric Research, 152 pp.

Brewer, P.G. and F.M. Orr, Jr. (2000). CO2: The burning issue. Chemistry & Industry, 17: 567-571.

Brewer, P.G., F.M. Orr, Jr., G.E. Friederich, K.A. Kvenvolden, and D.L. Orange (1998). Gas hydrate formation in the deep sea: In situ experiments with controlled release of methane, natural gas, and carbon dioxide. Energy and Fuels, 12: 183–188.

Brewer, P. G., F. M. Orr, Jr., G. E. Friederich, K. A. Kvenvolden, and D. L. Orange (1997). Hydrate formation during controlled release of CH4 and CO2 in Monterey Bay. American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 42: 475-479.

Brewer, P. G., F M. Orr, Jr., G.E. Friederich, K.A. Kvenvolden, D. L. Orange, J. McFarlane, and W. Kirkwood (1997). Deep-ocean field test of methane hydrate formation from a remotely operated vehicle. Geology, 25: 407-410.

Brewer, P.G., E.T. Peltzer, G. Friederich, I. Aya, and K. Yamane (2000). Experiments on the ocean sequestration of fossil fuel CO2: pH measurements and hydrate formation. Marine Chemistry, 72: 83-93.

Broenkow, W.W., M.A. Yuen, and M.A. Yarbrough (1992). VERTEX: Biological implications of total attenuation and chlorophyll and phycoerythrin fluorescence distributions along a 2000 m deep section in the Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research, 39: 417-437.

Brown, K. M. and D. L. Orange (1993). Structural aspects of diapiric mélange emplacement: The Duck Creek diapir. Journal of Structural Geology, 15: 831-847.

Browne, K.A., M.N. Tamburri, and R.K. Zimmer-Faust (1998). Modeling quantitative structure-activity relationships between animal behavior and environmental signal molecules. Journal of Experimental Biology, 201: 245-258.

Brzezinski, M.A., D. R. Phillips, F.P. Chavez, G. E. Friederich, and R.C. Dugdale (1997). Silica production in the Monterey California upwelling system. Limnology and Oceanography, 42: 1694-1705.

Buck, K. R., G. Ærtebjerg, J. Larsen, and H. Thomsen (1992). Biomass and abundance of pelagic cyanobacteria and protists from the transition area between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, July 1990. In: Proceedings of the 12th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium, edited by E. Bjørnestad, L. Hagerman, and K. Jensen. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg, Denmark, pp. 35-42.

Buck, K.R. and J.P. Barry (1998). Monterey Bay Cold Seep Infauna: Quantitative comparison of bacterial mat meiofauna with non-seep control sites. Cahier de Biologie Marine, 39: 333-336.

Buck, K.R., J.P. Barry, and A.G.B. Simpson (2000). Monterey Bay cold seep biota: Euglenozoa with chemoautotrophic bacterial epibionts. European Journal of Protistology, 36: 117-126.

Buck, K.R. and W.N. Bentham (1998). A novel symbiosis between a cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp., an aplastidic protist, Solenicola setigera, and a diatom, Leptocylindrus mediterraneus, in the open ocean. Marine Biology, 132: 349-355.

Buck, K. R., P.A. Bolt, W. N. Bentham, and D. L. Garrison (1992). A dinoflagellate cyst from Antarctic sea ice. Journal of Phycology, 28: 15-18.

Buck, K.R. and F. P. Chavez (1994). Diatom aggregates from the open ocean. Journal of Plankton Research, 16: 1449-1457.

Buck, K. R., F. P. Chavez, and L. Campbell (1996). Basin-wide distributions of living carbon components and the inverted trophic pyramid of the central gyre of the North Atlantic Ocean, summer 1993. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 10: 283-298.

Buck, K. R., F. P. Chavez, and H. A. Thomsen (1991). Choanoflagellates of the central California waters: Abundance and distribution. Ophelia, 33: 179-186.

Buck, K. R., D. L. Garrison, and T. L. Hopkins (1992). Abundance and distribution of tintinnid ciliates in an ice edge zone during the austral autumn. Antarctic Science, 4: 3-8.

Buck, K. R., H.J. Marchant, H. A. Thomsen, and D. L. Garrison (1990). Kakoeca antarctica gen et sp. nov., a loricate choanoflagellate (Acanthoecidae, Choanoflagellida) from Antarctic sea ice with a unique protoplast suspensory membrane. Zoologica Scripta, 19: 389-394.

Buck, K. R. and J. Newton (1995). Fecal pellet flux in Dabob Bay during a diatom bloom: Contribution of microzooplankton. Limnology and Oceanography, 40: 306-315.

Buck, K.R., T.G. Nielsen, B.W. Hansen, D.G. Hansen, and H.A. Thomsen (1998). Infiltration phyto- and protozooplankton assemblages in the annual sea-ice of Disko Island, West Greenland, spring 1996. Polar Biology, 20: 377-381.

Buck, K. R., L. Uttal-Cooke, C. H. Pilskaln, D. L. Roelke, M. C. Villac, G. A. Fryxell, L. Cifuentes, and F. P. Chavez (1992). Autoecology of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis, a domoic acid producer, from Monterey Bay, California. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 84: 293-302.

Burdige, D.J., W.M. Berelson, K.H. Coale, J. McManus, and K.S. Johnson (1999). Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon from California continental margin sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63: 1507-1515.

Cangelosi, G. A., A.M. Hamlin, R. Marin III, and C.A. Scholin (1997). Detection of stable pre-rRNA in toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 63: 4859-4865.

Caress, D.W. and D.N. Chayes (2000) MB-system version 4.6.10, Open source software distributed from the MBARI and L-DEO web sites MBARI,

Carlson, C.A., D.A. Hansell, E.T. Peltzer, and W.O. Smith, Jr. (2000). Stocks and dynamics of dissolved and particulate organic matter in the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research II, 47: 3201-3225.

Caron, D.A., E.L Lim, M.R. Dennett, R.J. Gast, C. Kosman, and E.F. DeLong (1999). Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the heterotrophic Chrysophyte genus Paraphysomonas (Chrysophyceae), and the design of rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for two species. Journal of Phycology, 35: 824-837.

Case, J.F., P.J. Herring, B.H. Robison, S.H.D. Haddock, L.J. Kricka, and P.E. Stanley, Eds. (2001). Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence 2000. Singapore, World Scientific, 517 pp.

Castro, C.G., F.P. Chavez, and C. Collins (2001). The role of the California Undercurrent in the export of denitrified waters from the eastern tropical North Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21: 819-830.

Chapin, T.P., K. S. Johnson, and K. H. Coale (1991). Rapid determination of manganese in sea water by flow-injection analysis with chemiluminescence detection. Analytica Chimica Acta, 249: 469-478.

Chase, Z., R. Anderson, and M. Fleisher (2001). Evidence from authigenic uranium for increased productivity of the glacial Subantarctic Ocean. Paleoceanography, 16: 468-478.

Chavez, F. P. (1996). Forcing and biological impact of onset of the 1992 El Niño in central California. Geophysical Research Letters, 23: 265-268.

Chavez, F. P. (1995). A comparison of ship and satellite chlorophyll from California and Peru. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100: 24855-24862.

Chavez, F. P. (1989). Size distribution of phytoplankton in the central and eastern tropical Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 3: 27-35.

Chavez, F. P., R.T. Barber, P.M. Kosro, A. Huyer, S.R. Ramp, T. Stanton, and B. Rojas de Mendiola (1991). Horizontal advection and the distribution of nutrients in the coastal transition zone off northern California: Effects on primary production, phytoplankton biomass, and species composition. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96: 14833-14848.

Chavez, F. P., R. T. Barber, and M. P. Sanderson (1989). The potential primary production of the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem. In: Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE), edited by H.S. D. Pauly, P. Muck, and J. Mendo. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ, GmbH, Eschborn, Federal Republic of Germany; and International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (IFCLARM), Manila, Philippines, Callao, Perú, pp. 50-63.

Chavez, F. P. and R. C. Brusca (1991). The Galapagos Islands and their relation to oceanographic processes in the tropical Pacific. In: Galapagos Marine Invertebrates, edited by M. J. James. Plenum Press, New York, New York, pp. 9-33.

Chavez, F. P., K. R. Buck, and R. T. Barber (1990). Phytoplankton taxa in relation to primary production in the equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research, 37: 1733-1752.

Chavez, F. P., K. R. Buck, R.R. Bidigare, D. M. Karl, D. Hebel, M. Latasa, L. Campbell, and 
J. Newton
(1995). On the chlorophyll a retention properties of glass-fiber GF/F filters. Limnology and Oceanography, 40: 428-433.

Chavez, F. P., K. R. Buck, K. H. Coale, J. H. Martin, G.R. DiTullio, N. A. Welschmeyer, A. C. Jacobson, and R. T. Barber (1991). Growth rates, grazing, sinking and iron limitation of equatorial Pacific phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography, 36: 1816-1827.

Chavez, F. P., K. R. Buck, S. K. Service, J. Newton, and R. T. Barber (1996). Phytoplankton variability in the central and eastern tropical Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II, 43: 835-870.

Chavez, F.P. and C.A. Collins (2000). Studies of the California current system: Present, past and future. Deep-Sea Research II, 47: 761-763.

Chavez, F.P. and C.A. Collins, editors (2000). Studies of the California current system, Part 2. Deep-Sea Research II, 47: 5-6.

Chavez, F.P. and C. Collins, editors (1998). Studies of the California Current System, Part 1. Deep-Sea Research II, 45.

Chavez, F.P., J. T. Pennington, R. Herlien, H. W. Jannasch, G. Thurmond, and G. E. Friederich (1997). Moorings and drifters for real-time interdisciplinary oceanography. American Meteorological Society, 14: 1199-1211.

Chavez, F.P., J. Ryan, S.E. Lluch-Cota, and M. Ñiquen C. (2003). From anchovies to sardines and back: Multidecadal change in the Pacific Ocean. Science, 299: 217-221. [Abstract] [Full text]

Chavez, F. P., S. K. Service, and S. Buttrey (1996). Temperature-nitrate relationships in the central and eastern tropical Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101: 20553-20564.

Chavez, F. P. and S.S. Smith (1995). Biological and chemical consequences of open ocean upwelling systems. In: Upwelling in the Ocean: Modern Processes and Ancient Records, edited by C. P. Summerhayes, K. C. Emeis, M.V. Angel, R. L. Smith, and B. Zeitzschel. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, pp.149-169.

Chavez, F.P., P.G. Strutton, G.E. Friederich, R.A. Feely, G.C. Feldman, D.G. Foley, and M.J. McPhaden (1999). Biological and chemical response of the equatorial Pacific Ocean to the 1997-98 El Niño. Science, 286: 2126-2131.

Chavez, F.P., P.G. Strutton, and M. J. McPhaden (1998). Biological-physical coupling in the central equatorial Pacific during the onset of the 1997-98 El Niño. Geophysical Research Letters, 25: 3543–3546.

Chavez, F. P. and J. R. Toggweiller, (1995). Physical estimates of global new production: The upwelling contribution. In: Upwelling in the Ocean: Modern Processes and Ancient Records, edited by C.P. Summerhayes, K. C. Emeis, M. V. Angel, R. L. Smith, and B. Zeitzschel. John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, England, pp. 312-320.

Chavez, F.P., D. Wright, R. Herlien, M. Kelley, F. Shane, and P.G. Strutton (2000). A device for protecting moored spectroradiometers from bio-fouling. Journal of Oceanographic and Atmospheric Technology, 17: 215-219.

Chin, C.S., K. H. Coale, V. Elrod, K. S. Johnson, G. Massoth, and E. Baker (1994). In situ observations of dissolved iron and manganese in hydrothermal vent plumes, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99: 4969-4984.

Chin, C.S., K. S. Johnson, and K. H. Coale (1992). Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved manganese in natural waters with 1-(2Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol: Application to analysis in situ in hydrothermal plumes. Marine Chemistry, 37: 65-82.

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Last updated: May 21, 2003