A general approach we are considering is to (1) review the observed distribution and chemical character of hydrothermal activity on the Endeavour segment, (2) through examination of theory (both published and presented in class) develop alternative hypotheses to explain the observed patterns, and (3) design a field program to test them.
Kappel, E.S. and W.B.F. Ryan (1986) Volcanic Episodicity and a Non-Steady State
Rift Valley Along the Northeast Pacific Spreading Centers: Evidence from Sea
MARC I Journal of Geophysical Research 91:B14:13,925-13,940.
Lister, C. (1974) On the penetration of water into hot rock.
Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. 39:465-509.
Pledger, R.J, B.C. Crump, and J.A. Baross. (1994) A barophilic
response by two hyperthermophilic, hydrothermal vent Archaea:
An upward shift in the optimal temperature and acceleration of growth
rate at supra-optimal temperatures by elevated pressure.
Microbiology Ecology 14:233-242.