Review February, 1997 Plan for Winter-Spring, '97
Outline of Scott's Research/Teaching/Cousework Plans: December 1996 - June 1997 12/6 draft: to be extended for 12/9 meeting December 13 Present AGU poster ("CTDT Characterization of Ridge Crest Hydrothermal Activity"), soliciting feedback regarding plume dynamics and ramifications for heat flux estimates and other phenomena January Further integrate CTDT and current meter data, aiming to understand plume formation and evolution, while refining a method for distinguishing fluid types/distint sources. Can the profiles be improved? Consider physical oceanographic conditions near ridge: potential density surfaces, topography, potential voriticity, boundary layers, inertial and other oscillations, internal waves... Use data to discern buoyancy frequency, advection expected from theory, vertical velocity shear, etc.... This might include re-examining the Kadko et al current meter data? Initiate outreach program with REVEL educators Take Ocean Lithosphere II and Physical Chemistry and/or Bio Ocean?? February Estimate instantaneous heat flux where the opportunity arises in the MZ1 data Examine T,S,X signatures from distinct sources; do patterns emerge? Work with Thomson, Cannon, Baker, and ?? to hone observational evidence of plume characteristics and dynamics March Develop a model for idealized venting into a stratified density field Present results to the physical oceanography seminar, or grad student forum April Take AMATH 403: Diff Eqns Complexify model to encompass plume dynamics in a rotating velocity field with ridge crest topography (with attention to Speer's work) May Consider implications of model behavior for mass and heat transport, variability of past heat flux estimates, biological and chemical conditions in an advected plume. June Master's Defense??