Research | Academic |
Educational Experience
Objectives | Logical Outline
Last Advisorial Meeting: Early December
After some interaction with scientists (primarily Baker and Lavelle) at the Fall AGU meeting, I returned to the exploration of near-bottom hydrographic features in the Mixing Zephyr data set. Dr. Rhines's course offered an unusual <What was unusual here?> opportunity to investigate the behavior of focussed and diffused flow of buoyant fluid in non- and linearly- stratified environments. While my geophysical fluid dynamics project results were primarily qualitative, the class led me to new understanding <new understanding sounds vague> of both classical plume theory and the work of D. A. Trivett.
With reference to my summary <what reference?> of the December advisorial meeting, I have accomplished some, but not all of my goals. I have not yet engaged <not yet engages sounds pedantic> Dr. Lavelle's advice regarding numerical modelling of plumes and/or diffuse flow. I have, however, further studied the calculation of hydrographic anomalies, catalogued the general characteristics of the Mixing Zephyr plumes, and begun to assess the utility <or is it possibility or what?> of mapping gradients of potential temperature, salinity, and potential density.
I have also attempted to resolve <in space? in time? or as in some conflict?> the general density structure over the Endeavour Segment in the hope <is there more than just "hope" here? other groups' approaches, theoretical papers etc.?> of constraining the source of anomalous fluid through an assumption of minimal diapycnal mixing subsequent to equilibration in the water column. After obtaining the best depths measured <what does "best" mean here?> for known and suspected buoyancy sources, I am gaining confidence <reference to your proposal pages?> that there are distinct hydrothermal sources in the following areas:
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Grade |
Grade |
OCEAN 509 |
1.0 |
X |
0.00 |
OCEAN 535 |
5.0 |
4.0 |
20.00 |
OCEAN 546 |
3.0 |
3.5 |
10.50 |
OCEAN 549 |
1.0 |
CR |
0.00 |
OCEAN 569 |
3.0 |
3.8 |
11.40 |
OCEAN 600 |
5.0 |
X |
0.00 |
Graded Credits |
Grade Points |
Grade Point |
Total Credits |
11.0 |
41.90 |
3.81 |
12.0 |
Graded Credits |
Grade Points |
Grade Point |
UW Credits |
Transfer Credits |
Total Credits |
52.0 |
177.00 |
3.40 |
102.0 |
0.0 |
102.0 |
Course |
Credits |
Course Title |
Meeting Days & Times |
Location |
Grading | |
5381 |
OCEAN 352 A |
3.0 |
5391 |
OCEAN 509 A |
1.0 |
5399 |
OCEAN 544 A |
3.0 |
5404B |
OCEAN 600 A |
10.0V |
Total credits: 17.0 |
In collaboration with Christian Parker and Melanie Summit, I visited the school of one of the REVEL participants, presenting a short course on hydrothermal vent systems to a group of 6 elementary and secondary school students over 5 days.
(Back up to...) Progress
Research | Academic |
Educational Experience
I would like to work hard this summer with the goal of receiving a Masters degree prior to pausing in my progression towards a PhD for two years. My primary motivations are:
My hope is to remain enrolled as a full- or part-time student during the first year, and then to petition for On-Leave status (outlined on pg. 13 of the School's Guide for Graduate Students). If necessary, I will petition for 2 years of On-Leave status.
I realize that significant progress will be necessary this summer to accomplish this goal, and am eager to work with my advisors to delineate the central questions and logistical tasks that will found <what does found mean here? Is this a committment to a presentation? Can you committ now, given the state of your knowledge?> an August presentation on "Evidence for diffuse flow at the Endeavour Segment, and its distribution within a regional hydrographic context."
My greatest fear is that the Mixing Zephyr data does not contain sufficient evidence of diffuse flow to allow meaningful mapping of its distribution. <what role are you expecting (if any) for the other gradients: potential temperature, salinity, and potential density in reducing this fear?> I would greatly appreciate it if you could boster < I think you want boost or bolster here.> my confidence in this regard! Nevertheless, the following outline is a logical structure that could frame <how about outlines instead of could frame> both my Masters presentation and a subsequent publication.