June-December 2000 Plan: Scott Veirs
- Formed committee; composed draft proposal
- TA for 101; proposed Huckabay; hired as Head TA
- Began study of aquatic chemistry
- Completed preliminary literature search
- Surveyed extant modeling software and efforts
Research Problem:
What is the spatial distribution of chemical and physical
conditions expected in a spreading center hydrothermal system, and what
portion of that environment is potential habitat for thermophilic
Build a reactive transport model that characterizes not
only the temperature and pressure fields in particular parts of
hydrothermal systems, but also the corresponding distribution
of biologically important chemical species. Simulate a
hydrothermal system in the laboratory to better understand
seawater-basalt chemistry.
- June
- Thesis:
- Circulate proposal draft; solicit feedback from committee
- Continue study of aquatic chemistry using Matlab
- Select modeling software
- Other work:
- Complete FlowMow CTDT+ prioritized plan
- Prepare 1-2 REVEL presentations
- Teaching:
- Acquire feedback on Huckabay rejection
- Survey collaboratory software for future Huckabay application
- July
- Thesis:
- Create preliminary non-reactive transport model
- Continue study of aquatic chemistry
- Other work:
- Organize requisite Flow Mow CTDT+ equipment, software, maps, etc.
- Attend Ridge Theoretical Institute July27-Aug1
- Teaching:
- Revise UW TA Training web site with Dean
- August
- Field work:
- Aug1-3: Load/test equipment
- Aug3-20: FlowMow cruise
- Thesis:
- Revise proposal
- Continue study of aquatic chemistry
- Teaching:
- Work with REVEL teachers; present 1-2 talks
- September-October
- Thesis:
- Circulate revised proposal
- Prepare for General Exam
- Other work:
- Begin writing up FlowMow results
- Teaching:
- Sept18-20: facilitate the TA Training Workshop
- 1/4-time Autumn/Spring Head TA
- November-December
- Thesis:
- Build basic reactive transport models
- Take General Exam
- Plan laboratory work with Holloway (for Spring, 2001?)
- Other work:
- Participate in generation of FlowMow publications
- Teaching:
- Prepare for Huckabay re-application