6 month review and plan: Scott Veirs
November 27, 2001
Progress on previous goals:
Research: (Observation~Theory>Experiment)
- Created outlines and preliminary figures/prose for MEF lateral heat flux chapter
- Mean northward flow explains observed warming to north
- Instantaneous N/S heat flux calculations complete
- Revised puff model
- Handles real or synthetic current meter data
- Reveals that southward displacements are rarely greater than ~50m!
- Confirms that expected variance of heat flux is high
- Preliminary laboratory setup
- Helped design Thomson's sea breeze experiment
- Facilitated the New TA Orientation in September
- Received positive feedback on proposal of new TA assessment and reward structure
Outline of 6-month plan (chapter-based):
- Examine validity of spatial extrapolation of current meter data
- Dec07: Fall 2001 AGU poster presentation Measured magnitude and modeled variance of heat flux from the Main Endeavour hydrothermal vent field
- Jan10: Complete processing of CTD/navigational data and submit metadata
- Feb25: Ridge Integrated Study Meeting (CA)
- Jun~11: 6 month review
- Jun~20: Circulate draft thesis
- Jul~01: Appoint reading committee
- Aug~20: Final examination
Chapter 1: Lateral heat flux through the MEF within the axial valley
- Dec07: Use puff model to weight the instantaneous flux estimates
- Dec07: Further assess hydrography within the axial valley
- Dec31: Complete preliminary draft
- Jan10: Finalize animations of MEF plume distributions
- Jan10: Circulate polished draft
- Jan30: Submit to G3
Chapter 2: Observed and modeled heat flux above the MEF
- Jan: Run puff model during CTD survey (ribbons and NoMEF stations) to identify opportunities to estimate instantaneous heat flux
- Feb: Outline paper
- Mar: Calculate instantaneous heat fluxes and compare with MEF vertical flux
- Apr: Generate figures and preliminary draft
- May: Circulate polished draft
- Jun: Submit
Chapter 3: Buoyant plumes in stratified oscillatory cross flow
- Jan: Finalize scale and dimensional analysis with Parsons and Wilcock
- Jan: Test Compumotor and visualization techniques; Move to new tank (with laser?)
- Feb: Obtain preliminary results: quiescent trials and visualization tests
- Mar: Conduct uniform and oscillatory cross flow experiments
- Apr: Conduct oscillation+translation cross flow experiments
- May: Produce draft chapter/publication
- Jun: Circulate polished draft
- Jul: Submit