2 new vent sites on the Endeavour segment

  1. Introduction

    We expect that by the time these results are published, at least two new vent fields will have been visually documented within the axial valley of the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge...

  2. Methods
    1. Navigated CTD and DP ship (state accuracy and precision here)
    2. Novel sensors (separated T/C pairs; Eh meter?)
    3. H20 sampling and GC methods
  3. Results
    1. Between High Rise and Salty Dawg
      1. 1995 instabilities encountered on two independent tows
      2. 2000 instabilities in same location
        1. Example profile of pot. temp. anom., backscatter, density (and T1-T2?)
        2. Stn 1706, 1717, 1722?, and 1731 buoyant plumes
        3. Hydrogen and Methane concentrations, relative to MEF values (Betsy model/figure?)
        4. Redox potential changes correlate with (most) density inversions (and/or [H2+CH4] and/or [O2]!?)
    2. Between MEF and Mothra
      1. 1995 instability
      2. 2000 CTD station instabilities in same vicinity
        1. Stn 07, 08, 24
        2. Redox results
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusions