Scott's notes on statistics

Correlation coefficients

Pearson's Correlation Coefficient

Definition: Measures the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. 

Assumptions: Both variables (often called X and Y) are interval/ratio and approximately normally distributed, and their joint distribution is bivariate normal. 

Characteristics: Pearson's Correlation Coefficient is usually signified by r (rho), and can take on the values from -1.0 to 1.0. Where -1.0 is a perfect negative (inverse)
correlation, 0.0 is no correlation, and 1.0 is a perfect positive correlation. 

Related statistics: R2 (called the coefficient of determination or r squared) can be interpreted as the proportion of variance in Y that is contained in X. 

Tests: The statistical significance of r is tested using a t-test. The hypotheses for this test are: 

H0: rho = 0
Ha: rho <> 0 

A low p-value for this test (less than 0.05 for example) means that there is evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis, or that there is a
statistically significant relationship between the two variables. 

Note: This test is equivalent to the test of no slope in the simple linear regression procedure.