The CIDR assists faculty, teaching assistants, departments/units,
and administrators with teaching and learning challenges. The offer an
TA Handbook for new Teaching Assistants, as well.
UWired works to promote and support access to technology, fluency in information technology and resources, and innovation in teaching and learning through technology.
Informal monthly WebEd gatherings bring together UW people who develop educational content for the Web in an attempt to bridge the gaps that exist between projects, departments, schools, and programs.
From the School of Fisheries perspective:
How to develop a course portfolio, how to document instructional
activities outside of formal courses, and how to assemble a whole
teaching portfolio.
An interdisciplinary educational resource that allows you to
rapidly discover the instructional materials you need; connects you to
real-time or archived Earth databases; delivers resources in a format
that can readily be used in your classroom; and includes the training
you need to use these materials...
With a modicum of planning, you can easily act as a tour guide
for your students aboard the UW research vessel. This is a tremendous
local resource for motivating classwork or realizing the logistics
involved in conducting science at sea. A good preparatory tool is the
tour of the Thompson hosted on the PRISM web site.
Electronic journals and email lists
Tomorrow's Professor (Listserver)
desk-top faculty development, one hundred times a year
Anyone can SUBSCRIBE to Tomorrows-Professor Listserver by sending the following e-mail message to:
Published weekly, The Chronicle is the No. 1 news source for college and university faculty members and administrators. A subscription to The Chronicle includes free access to all of this Web site and to daily electronic-mail updates.