- Name:
Veirs, Scott Rhodes
Last, First Middle
- Mailing address:
4640 Sunnyside Ave. N.
Seattle, WA, 98103
Home phone:
(206) 634-3204
- For which quarter are you applying:
Aut_X_ Wtr___ Spr___ Sum___ Year:1995
- Specific area of oceanography in which you wish to do graduate study and
Marine Geology and Geophysics
- Educational background (undergraduate and graduate):
College or School, Dates, Major, Minor, Degree & Date
- University of Washington, 9/95-present, Extension Student, pre-grad coursework
- Stanford University, 9/88-6/92, Earth Systems, Geosphere, BS, June,1992
- Grade-point averages:
Scale: (4 = A = Excellent) (3 = B = Good) (2 = C = Average) (1 = D = Below
average) ( 0 = E = Failed)
Cumulative (Four-year): ____3.18____
Junior-Senior: ____3.19____
Major Field: ____3.42____
Physical Sciences (Mathematics, physics, engineering, etc.):
Humanities and Social Science: ____3.14____
Graduate School (if applicable): [UW AMath 351; continuing series
Win/Spr] ____3.20____
- Graduate Record Examination (GRE):
Date _12/16/93_
Verbal _630_/_86_%
Quantitative _760_/_90_%
Analytical _710_/_90_%
- Languages in which you have a reading knowledge:
English, Spanish, Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia
- Are you requesting funding from the School of Oceanography?
Yes__X__ No_____
- Have you applied for or received any special grants or fellowships?
Yes__X__ No_____
If so, please indicate source and duration:
Will apply for
- NASA Global Change Fellowship,3 years, $22,000/yr maximum
- JOI/USSAC ODP Fellowship, 1-2 years, $20,000/yr
- If neither is granted, I will apply for NSF and ONR funding pending
further refinement of my research interests
- Are you applying for financial support based on need through the
Financial Aid Office? Yes_____ No__X__
- Please summarize the following:
HONORS AWARDED FOR SCHOLARSHIP (scholarships, honorary society memberships,
prizes, honors upon graduation, etc. and dates of receipt)
- First graduate of Earth Systems science major at Stanford
- Accepted to and attended the 1994 Graduate Student Summer Program in Earth System Science at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (description, name of advisor, and dates)
[Please see
resume for elaboration...]
- Jun-Sep `94
Satellite Oceanography Intern, Dr. Chet Koblinsky (NASA).
Assessed the use of TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite radar altimetry in monitoring
global submarine volcanic activity. See a summary of my work,
Megaplume Meanderings: Searching for a Signal in the Sea
- May `94
BARGE Seismometer/GPS Assistant. Marcia McNutt (MIT) Deployed and
monitored field seismometers and differential Global Positioning Systems during
2 week Basin and Range Geophysical Experiment.
- Dec '92 - Jan '93
Radiosonde Meteorologist, Dr. David Short (NASA).
Operated radiosonde station during the TOGA/Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response
- Jun - Sep '89
Paleo-Oceanography Research Assistant Dr. Alan Mix (OSU)
Pioneered high-resolution scanning reflectance spectroscope for on-board
analysis of deep-sea sediment core mineralogy.
- Aug - Dec `94
Genetics Photo Researcher, Videodiscovery, Inc., Seattle, WA.
Acquired multimedia resources for an interactive highschool genetics curriculum
based on CDROM/laserdisc.
- Jan - Apr '93
Environmental Scientist, Syed Muhammad, Hooi dan Binnie, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. Investigated geology, water quality, and land use in the
field in preparing geological, meteorological, and land use chapters of
environmental impact assessments.
PUBLICATIONS (including submitted papers)
- Contributed to Ocean Drilling Program (Leg 138) paper, Color
Reflectance Spectroscopy: A Tool for Rapid Characterization of Deep-Sea
Sediments (primary author: Alan Mix)
SPECIAL SKILLS (computer, specialized instruments, etc.)
- Proficient in Basic, Pascal, Fortran, HTML; learning C; adept in UNIX,
MAC, or DOS.
- Familiarity with geological field techniques, GPS, REF/TEK seimometers,
CCD technology, radiosonde deployment, color spectroscopy, TOPEX/POSEIDON radar
altimeter data, other satellite sensors relevant to oceanography.
- Learning microbiology laboratory techniques; will take UW course in
geology laboratory techniques in spring, 1995.
- List three faculty members familiar with your academic qualifications
from whom you have requested letters of recommendation:
Dr. Gilbert M. Masters, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford
Dr. Juhn G. Liou, Department of Geology, Stanford
Dr. Alan C. Mix, College of Oceanography, Oregon State
- Please provide a statement of your educational and professional goals
and objectives (approximately 300 words). You may include any or all of the
following: How or why you became interested in oceanography, significant
accomplishments, summary of research experience, research area(s) of special
interest, extracurricular activities and interests.
Please click here to
view the hypertext version of my application essay.