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<H1>Seismic velocity & crustal structure of the Endeavour segment</H1>
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A final paper prepared for Dr. Ken Creager's spring, 1996 course: Geophysics 502: Seismology

Cudrak and Clowes (1993) utilize asymptotic ray theory to forward model travel time and amplitude data, obtaining velocity profiles which correlate well with models of oceanic crustal structure derived from ophiolite and oceanic core observations.

Assumptions in methodology

By definition, any forward model assumes that the locations of a seismic source and station(s) are known, and involves the choice of a starting model (Lay and Wallace, p. 217). Cudrak and Clowes chose to forward model travel times of waves which are generated at a surface ship, travel through the water column and oceanic crust, and are detected by an array of ocean bottom seismometers (OBS). They attempted to model the measured travel times by calculating how long it would take the waves from the (known) source to reach the (known) receivers, travelling through a material with a set of assumed characteristics. Selecting a "starting" model is crucial, for the forward modelling process can depend strongly upon the initial state: the starting model is used to calculate synthetic travel times through the hypothesized material; synthetic and real travel times are compared, and the assumed material characteristics are adjusted to reduce the discrepancy; and the whole process iterated until the synthetic travel times match those that were measured. The final model (usually parameterized by spatial velocity variations and depths of particular layers) describes the characteristics of the sub-seafloor materials which are otherwise problematic to study!

Additional assumptions are essential to the (geomoetry of the) ray theory which governs the propagation of seismic energy in material of variable velocity and extent, but may be considered less fundamental than starting model assumptions in determining the nature of the final model and corresponding subsurface.

Cudrak and Clowes assumed they knew the geographic position of their oceanographic vessel. After all, they ultimately superimposed their conclusions about seismic velocity and associated crustal structure on seafloor topography (and geological interpretations derived from the bathymetric data). Thus, in placing their observations in a geological framework based on bathymetry, they assumed that the Sea Beam and Geological Survey of Canada data was accurate. A second spatial assumption is that the position of the 6 ocean bottom seismeters was known relative to the ship, and in turn (via the GPS latitude and longitude of the ship), known relative to the sea floor topography. The origin time of the air gun source and the timing mechanisms aboard and within the OBS were assumed synchronized and stable.

The location of the oceanographic ship was determined with integrated Loran-C and Transit Satellite Navigation, with an absolute error of +/-270 m (Loran-C only) to +/-180 m; between shot error was 15 m; between line error was 30 m. OBS locations were later altered to match water wave arrivals from proximate (2 km) shots. Some timing corrections were made, ultimately reducing most timing uncertainties to 11 ms, and water depth was calculated with a depth sounder calibrated to average northeast Pacific water column velocities.

Not only is the accuracy of modern bathymetry generally sufficient for geophysical work, but Cudrak and Clowes have gone out of their way to understand the geological and tectonic setting of their study site. In their experimental design and forward model they considered (and referenced) diverse information: large-scale topographic characterization; distribution of hydrothermal activity; Sea Beam, SeaMarcI/II, side-scan sonar, and seismic reflection data; visual observations of axial volcanism and geomorphology; and past refraction seismic research conducted in the area.

The fundamental assumptions involved in the forward model and ray theory were not only few, but carefully chosen and adjusted. The starting model was derived from previous studies in the same area (2D tomographic inversion of travel times recorded by 8 OBS deployed along the main cross-ridge line). It was tested alongside alternative models, compared with previously observed compressional wave velocity profiles representative of geographically diverse oceanic crust, and ultimately modified to include a fourth layer in response to identification of a fourth branch in Cudrak and Clowes's observed travel times.

A final inquiry might be made into why an inverse model was not utilized by Cudrak et al, especially since this study did not detect low velocity zones at depth. The choice of utilizing a relatively simple forward model (initally) may have been based on an (unmentioned) assumption that low velocity zones might be present under the Endeavour segment, and that therefore an inversion like the Herglotz-Wiechert could not be applied without "stripping off" the low-velocity layers (Lay and Wallace, p. 240).

Review and assessment of conclusions

Based on their final model, Curdak and Clowes conclude that the averaged velocity structure of the upper crust consists of 4 layers, each with specific thicknesses and velocity ranges. They observe that the layering is similar to that of normal oceanic crust and speculate that "it is caused by large porosity contrasts due to the distribution of fractures and vesicles and by changes in petrology." Note, however, that the practice of inferring petrology from seismic velocity is controversial at this writing ( Jacobson, 1992; Wilkens, 1991).

To what extent does the final model (upon which these conclusions are based) depend on the nature of the starting model? Presumably, if the starting model happens to be a poor "guess" of the true crustal properties, the pursuant synthetic travel times would fail to match the measurements. Consequently, I find the velocity profiles, and even the petrologic sequence intuitively agreeable.

Other sources of error which might have been exacerbated by poor assumptions were addressed by the authors with care. Their methodology in general does not rouse any skepticism from me, in part because their results agree quite well with a more recent seismic reflection study of near-axis (0-4.5 Ma) upper oceanic crust (Rohr, 1994). Rohr determined the average thickness of layer 2A to be 650 m +/-300, while Curdak and Clowes calculated a thickness of 400 m.

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