At this third and possibly penultimate meeting of my supervisory committee, I began with a brief summary of my progress and plans (see attached). What was intended to be about 10 minutes of highlights naturally became a half hour presentation intermingled with some questions from committee members. The second half hour was spent discussing further questions, the schedule I proposed for a final exam and thesis submission, and the composition of my reading committee.
The reading committee will consist of Russ McDuff, Bill Lavelle, and Glenn Cannon. Jeff Parsons left about 10 minutes before the rest of the members and therefore missed the discussion of the reading commitee composition. Consquently, I said I would later ask him if he was interested in joining Russ, Bill, and Glenn.
While I outline below some specific questions that were asked and which suggest future actions, a major aspect of the meeting was the alterations I proposed to my plan for completion were accepted with little discussion. Most importantly, the committee agreed that all of the following were reasonable: submission of a first Flow Mow publication prior to July1; a thesis defense on ~Oct1; thesis submission ~Nov1; submission of a second publication ~Dec1; the type of material I proposed for Ch4 (buoyant plume characteristics) should be included in the thesis, but not be published elsewhere prior to my graduation.
Scott Veirs
Russ McDuff, Committee Chair