George RhodesRhoades Jr + Elizabeth Montgomery Cunningham

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Re: Biography of Frank Valerius Rhodes, b. 1855, Frederick Co., Maryland
Posted by: Adam (ID *****0533) Date: June 17, 2011 at 01:50:06
In Reply to: Re: Biography of Frank Valerius Rhodes, b. 1855, Frederick Co., Maryland by Vincent Cowsill of 6850


We corresponded many years ago about the Rhodes/Stover families. I hope all is well with you and your family.

I want to share some new info with you.

From the Baltimore Sun, Nov 30, 1921.

C.C.Rhodes (Charles Cunningham Rhodes) Obituary

C. C. Rhodes Killed Under Train's Wheels
Former Magistrate At Northwestern Police Station Meets Sudden Death At Howardville.

Crossing Tracks at Station

Dead Man Had Left Home of His Daughter Shortly Before Fatal Accident Occured.

Charles C. Rhodes, a former magistrate at the Northwestern Police Station and a member of the bar, was killed at 6 o'clock last night by being struck by a mail train of the Western Maryland Railroad at Howardville Station. He was 71 years old.
A jury of inquest was summoned by Sergeant Dorsey, of Pikesville, and after viewing the body was adjourned by Coroner McGraw to meet tomorrow night at the Pikesville police station. The body was removed to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Andrew J. Young Jr., Howardsville.
Mr. Rhodes had left the home of his daughter a short time before he met his death to go to the store of Edward K. Baker, and was returning when the fatal accident happened. He was crossing the tracks at Howardville Station when he was struck and carried several yards. The train was coming to Baltimore. When the body was picked up it was found that there was a gash in the back of the head and his body was mangled.
Robert C. Rhodes, 2333 North Calvert street, is a brother. Another daughter is Mrs. Charles Brown, of Church lane, Pikesville. He made his home with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Young, Jr. Mr. Rhodes was born in Montgomery County, Maryland. Recently he had been employed by the Maryland Casualty Company as a conveyancer.

And from the Baltimore Sun, Feb 17, 1902
Mr. William Lee Rhodes, aged 61 years, died Sunday at the Johns Hopkins Hospital of heart trouble. He was a resident of Greencastle, Pa., and at one time of Frederick country, Maryland. Mr. Rhodes was a retired merchant and farmer. During the Civil War he was a captain in the Quartermaster's Department of the Confederate Army at Petersburg. He was a member of a number of beneficial organizations. A widow, five daughter and three sons survive him. Mr. F. V. Rhodes, Charles C. Rhodes and Robert C. Rhodes, of this city, are brothers.

Baltimore Sun, February 19, 1902
William Lee Rhodes, who died at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Sunday night, was born at Hyattstown, Md., in 1841. At the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted and served in the Confederate Army with distinction up to the time of the surrender, at which time he was at Petersburg, Va., as captain in the Quatermaster's Department.
He leaves a sister, Mrs. L. A. Viers, who is principal of the Emory School of Boyds, and a brother, William Rhodes, a citizen of Hyattstown.
Subsequently, Mr. Rhodes returned to Hyattstown, and remained there for a few years after the war; then went to Greencastle, Pa., where he married and lived up to a few weeks previous to his death. He had a sister, Mrs. Rev. L. L. Loyd, living at Covington, Va. He is survived by a widow, five daughters and three sons in Greencastle.

Note: I believe the mentioned brother 'William' should be 'Willis.'

I also received photographs of the Rhodes Family Bible from a woman in Frederick, Md. Listed are:

George Rhoades was born on the 25th of May in the year of our Lord 1783 son of John and Eleanor Rhoades

Ann Mariah McCabe daughter of John and Rebekah McCabe was born in the year of our Lord October 1st, 1789

Susan Ann Rhoades daughter of George and Ann Mariah Rhoades was born on the 20th August 1806 Died 21st Sept 1807

William P. Rhoades son of George and Ann Mariah Rhoades was born on the 3rd Sept 1808

James Rhoades son of same was born on 25th December 1810

George Rhoades son of same was born on the 13th August 1813

John T. Rhoades son of same was born on 25th December 1815 Died 28th Sept 1816

Rebekah Ellen Rhoades daughter of same was born 19th January 1819 Died October 12, 1821

Margaret Ann Rhoades daughter of same was born 1 July, 1821

Charles W. Rhoades son of same was born October 7, 1827

William Levi Rhoades was born on the 25th of July in the year of our Lord 1840 son of George and Elizabeth Rhoades Junior.

George Rhoades and Ann Mariah McCabe was married on the 15th October, 1805

William Rhodes son of George and Ann RHodes was married December 24, 1832 to Henrietta Ashby

George Rhodes Junior was married March 6, 1838 to Eliza Cunningham

James and Mary Ann Merit was married on the 27th December 1838

William J. Dronenburg and Margaret A Rhodes was married Mary 3, 1849 by the Rev. James G. Hening

Rebechah Triplet daughter of George and Mary Powel departed this life on the 2nd of March, 1838 in the 85th year of her age.

Susana Benfield departed this life in the year of 1818

Maria Benfield, daughter of Susan and William Benfield, departed this life in Sept 26, 1840

George Rhodes, son of John and Eleanor, departed this life August 11, 1847

Ann M. Rhodes, daughter of John and Rebecca McCabe, departed this life Aug 5, 1849

Last change
August 28, 202303:57:35
Author of last change: sveirs